
Where's Kuya Kim when you need him?!

[click image to marvel at (possibly for the last time) a slice of Kanlaon's beauty]

An enviro-wacko friend (who's not aware of this blog) asked me to help popularize the Mt. Kanlaon issue. [i suggested she approach Kuya Kim for a spot in Matanglawin (read as pronounced on television), she replied, "leche!" Milk?]

Apparently, while our eyes and ears were tuned in to the GSIS-Meralco-lagay-Supreme-Court fiasco, the Lopezes were backhanding Kanlaon. As of late, 1000 trees were felled.

Am not much of an enviromentalist (just mental), but my friend's description of Kanlaon's Majesty as comparable to "dyesebel's world" got me flash writing. Please take some minute off your time and read the update here.

If you have any suggestions please do comment on her post. [Just don't mention this blog.]

image taken from: http://farm1.static.flickr.com/75/157114236_1423bc0ff4.jpg

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