
Of Bus Rides And Other Things

Saw the movie Speed (on the bus I took on my way to work today).


Imagine the same scenario happening here in the Philippines. With the kind of traffic we have, everyone on the bus would have died.


Then again, sophistication isn't one of our strong points. The bomber would have probably detonated the bomb immediately.


I used to hate bus/jeep seat hoggers. And then I read Marquez' Love in the Time of Cholera.

The work tells of men taking pride in their big balls (which is actually scrotal hernia at work). The bigger the rapture, the better, as size is connected to masculinity.

The condition leads them to spread their legs wide enough to accommodate the "masculine honor" that they have. Of course it's painful. But hey, no pain, no gain, right?


Am now aware of the cross they bear. May the good Creator reward their benevolence. Am still not a fan of masculine honor, though.


I just don't know about women who sit (inside jeeps) like they're on horseback, taking up more space than required. (Must be demure thing to do.)

iamge taken from http://www.geekologie.com/2007/06/19/wear-your-seat.jpg

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