
I know there's a rule of three, but could we make an exception here?

The fourth "Mummy" installment should read: The Mummies, return them. Scrupulous collectors (and locales, as well) have been raiding Sagada's hanging coffins since I don't know when. Tourist guides also have their share of bastardization as well. A cave I went to had some coffins brought down, obviously to entice tourists to the site. (yep, never mind the stray dogs who are instinctively attracted to meat, however old, let's cash in on tourism and ruin our heritage)

These are the times am tempted to abandon dialectical materialism and wish that curses do work. (Can't think of an appropriate curse, though)

image taken from http://farm1.static.flickr.com/32/46021473_ee0c2d711f.jpg?v=0

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