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CEGP 68th National Student Press Convention

The College Editors Guild of the Philippines will hold its 68th National Student Press Convention (NSPC) and 34th National Student Press Congress on May 23-27 in Davao City.

The Guild is the oldest and largest intercollegiate alliance of student publications in the country. This year, CEGP celebrates its 76th year of existence committed to the advancement of campus press freedom.

The NSPC will provide lectures and workshops on basic, intermediate and advanced journalism skills. Likewise, trainings in different literary genres will be given. And as part of the Guild’s dedication to educating student journalists regarding the plight of the country, various socio-political discussions will also be featured.

Also, the following awards will be given to outstanding publications:

8th GAWAD ERJ Named after CEGP President Emeritus Ernesto Enriquez Jr. This is the search for outstanding student publications in the country. The contest has two divisions: major (categories: tabloid, broadsheet, magazine,) and minor (categories: website, alternative form, literary folio). In the major division, a publication may join only one category. In the minor division, a publication may join all the categories.

4th GAWAD Beng In honor of the dedication of martyred CEGP Vice President for Mindanao Benjaline “Beng” Hernandez in protecting and promoting human rights, Gawad Beng is the award given to the publication with an exemplary program on human rights. Beng, who also worked as a human rights volunteer, was murdered by soldiers while conducting a fact-finding mission at Arakan Valley, Cotabato on April 5, 2002. In this award, a particular program on human rights accompanied by photos, narrative report or video is to be judged (you can use any of these materials).

GAWAD Marcelo H. Del Pilar This is the highest citation given by the Guild to its outstanding alumni.

In this regard, we invite your publication to attend the 68th NSPC and 34th National Student Press Congress. Registration fee is pegged at P2,500 per delegate, which is inclusive of food, lodging and convention kit for each participant.

The CHED endorsement will follow as soon as it is available. The exact venue, convention program and the mechanics of the contests will be included in the final invitation to be released soon.

For inquiries, you may contact Vijae (09162034402) or Trina (09104803098).

We look forward to your publication’s participation in this noble activity.


* Pinost ng anak namin sa Friendster. Inulit lang namin dito, baka sakaling makatulong sa pagpapakalat ng magandang balita.

To write is already to choose!

Ayon kay Jean Paul Getty,

Going to work for a large company is like getting on a train - Are you going sixty miles an hour or is the train going sixty miles an hour and you're just sitting still?

Oo nga naman.


Not by Euripides

"Whom the gods would destroy, they first make mad"

Itong isang to, Pwede na ba?


Buryong Series (The Anagram Edition)

Pangako, lilinisin ko ang post na ito, Samantala, ikaw, nabuburyong ka na ba?

Violent Our
Unveil Root
Outlive Nor
Virtue Loon
Louver Into
Velour Into
Louvre Into
Volute Iron
Ovule Intro
Unveil Or To
Liven Or Out
Liven Our To
Violet Nu Or
Olive No Rut
Olive On Rut
Olive Urn To
Olive Run To
Olive Tun Or
Olive Nut Or
Olive Nu Tor
Olive Nu Rot
Voile No Rut
Voile On Rut
Voile Urn To
Voile Run To
Voile Tun Or
Voile Nut Or
Voile Nu Tor
Voile Nu Rot
Viler No Out
Viler On Out
Viler Nu Too
Liver No Out
Liver On Out
Liver Nu Too
Live No Rout
Live No Tour
Live On Rout
Live On Tour
Live Nor Out
Live Ton Our
Live Not Our
Live Unto Or
Live Urn Too
Live Run Too
Live Nu Root
Vile No Rout
Vile No Tour
Vile On Rout
Vile On Tour
Vile Nor Out
Vile Ton Our
Vile Not Our
Vile Unto Or
Vile Urn Too
Vile Run Too
Vile Nu Root
Evil No Rout
Evil No Tour
Evil On Rout
Evil On Tour
Evil Nor Out
Evil Ton Our
Evil Not Our
Evil Unto Or
Evil Urn Too
Evil Run Too
Evil Nu Root
Veil No Rout
Veil No Tour
Veil On Rout
Veil On Tour
Veil Nor Out
Veil Ton Our
Veil Not Our
Veil Unto Or
Veil Urn Too
Veil Run Too
Veil Nu Root
Riven Lo Out
Vine Lo Rout
Vine Lo Tour
Vine Lour To
Vine Lot Our
Vine Lout Or
Nevi Lo Rout
Nevi Lo Tour
Nevi Lour To
Nevi Lot Our
Nevi Lout Or
Vein Lo Rout
Vein Lo Tour
Vein Lour To
Vein Lot Our
Vein Lout Or
Vireo Lo Tun
Vireo Lo Nut
Vireo Lot Nu
Virtue Lo No
Virtue Lo On
Rive Lo Unto
Rive Tool Nu
Rive Loot Nu
Rive Lout No
Rive Lout On
Vie Loon Rut
Vie Lorn Out
Vie Tool Urn
Vie Tool Run
Vie Loot Urn
Vie Loot Run
Vie Lour Ton
Vie Lour Not
Vie Lout Nor
Novel I Rout
Novel I Tour
Novel Ti Our
Novel It Our
Ole Vino Rut
Louver I Ton
Louver I Not
Louver In To
Louver Ti No
Louver Ti On
Louver It No
Louver It On
Velour I Ton
Velour I Not
Velour In To
Velour Ti No
Velour Ti On
Velour It No
Velour It On
Louvre I Ton
Louvre I Not
Louvre In To
Louvre Ti No
Louvre Ti On
Louvre It No
Louvre It On
Lover I Unto
Lover In Out
Volute I Nor
Volute In Or
Ovule I Torn
Ovule In Tor
Ovule In Rot
Ovule Tin Or
Ovule Nit Or
Ovule Ti Nor
Ovule It Nor
Love In Rout
Love In Tour
Love Ion Rut
Love Ruin To
Love Tin Our
Love Nit Our
Love Unit Or
Love Trio Nu
Love Riot Nu
Love Tiro Nu
Vole In Rout
Vole In Tour
Vole Ion Rut
Vole Ruin To
Vole Tin Our
Vole Nit Our
Vole Unit Or
Vole Trio Nu
Vole Riot Nu
Vole Tiro Nu
Lure Vino To
Rule Vino To
Let Vino Our
Lute Vino Or
En Viol Rout
En Viol Tour
One Viol Rut
Eon Viol Rut
Oven Oil Rut
Oven Lit Our
Oven Ti Lour
Oven It Lour
Rune Viol To
Ten Viol Our
Net Viol Our
Tune Viol Or
Vent Oil Our
Roe Viol Tun
Roe Viol Nut
Ore Viol Tun
Ore Viol Nut
Tore Viol Nu
Rote Viol Nu
Trove Oil Nu
Voter Oil Nu
Overt Oil Nu
Roue In Volt
Euro In Volt
Rove Nil Out
Rove Oil Tun
Rove Oil Nut
Rove Toil Nu
Rove In Lout
Rove Unit Lo
Over Nil Out
Over Oil Tun
Over Oil Nut
Over Toil Nu
Over In Lout
Over Unit Lo
Toe Viol Urn
Toe Viol Run
Veto Nil Our
Veto Oil Urn
Veto Oil Run
Veto Roil Nu
Veto In Lour
Veto Ruin Lo
Vote Nil Our
Vote Oil Urn
Vote Oil Run
Vote Roil Nu
Vote In Lour
Vote Ruin Lo
Re Viol Unto
Re Vino Lout
True Viol No
True Viol On
True Vino Lo
Rue Viol Ton
Rue Viol Not
Rue Ion Volt
Rue Vino Lot
Rev Loin Out
Rev Lion Out
Rev Oil Unto
Rev Ion Lout
Vet Loin Our
Vet Lion Our
Vet Ion Lour
Live Nu Or To
Vile Nu Or To
Evil Nu Or To
Veil Nu Or To
Rive Lo Nu To
Vie Lo No Rut
Vie Lo On Rut
Vie Lo Urn To
Vie Lo Run To
Vie Lo Tun Or
Vie Lo Nut Or
Vie Lo Nu Tor
Vie Lo Nu Rot
Vie Lot Nu Or
Lover I Nu To
Love I No Rut
Love I On Rut
Love I Urn To
Love I Run To
Love I Tun Or
Love I Nut Or
Love I Nu Tor
Love I Nu Rot
Love Ti Nu Or
Love It Nu Or
Vole I No Rut
Vole I On Rut
Vole I Urn To
Vole I Run To
Vole I Tun Or
Vole I Nut Or
Vole I Nu Tor
Vole I Nu Rot
Vole Ti Nu Or
Vole It Nu Or
En I Volt Our
Oven I Lo Rut
Vent I Lo Our
Roe I Volt Nu
Ore I Volt Nu
Trove I Lo Nu
Voter I Lo Nu
Overt I Lo Nu
Rove I Lo Tun
Rove I Lo Nut
Rove I Lot Nu
Rove Ti Lo Nu
Rove It Lo Nu
Over I Lo Tun
Over I Lo Nut
Over I Lot Nu
Over Ti Lo Nu
Over It Lo Nu
Veto I Lo Urn
Veto I Lo Run
Vote I Lo Urn
Vote I Lo Run
Re Viol Nu To
Rue I Volt No
Rue I Volt On
Rev I Lo Unto
Rev I Tool Nu
Rev I Loot Nu
Rev I Lout No
Rev I Lout On
Rev Oil Nu To
Rev In Lo Out
Vet I Lour No
Vet I Lour On
Vet Oil Nu Or
Vet In Lo Our
Rev I Lo Nu To
Vet I Lo Nu Or


Pagkaburyong, ayon kay Tolstoy

Boredom: the desire for desires.

Anna Karenina


Konti na lang...

sumablay pa.



At Nakalusot Nga!

Collateral Damage*

So? ... A Note from Michael Moore

Monday, March 24th, 2008


It would have to happen on Easter Sunday, wouldn't it, that the 4,000th American soldier would die in Iraq. Play me that crazy preacher again, will you, about how maybe God, in all his infinite wisdom, may not exactly be blessing America these days. Is anyone surprised?

4,000 dead. Unofficial estimates are that there may be up to 100,000 wounded, injured, or mentally ruined by this war. And there could be up to a million Iraqi dead. We will pay the consequences of this for a long, long time. God will keep blessing America.

And where is Darth Vader in all this? A reporter from ABC News this week told Dick Cheney, in regards to Iraq, "two-thirds of Americans say it's not worth fighting." Cheney cut her off with a one word answer: "So?"

"So?" As in, "So what?" As in, "F*** you. I could care less."

I would like every American to see Cheney flip the virtual bird at the them, the American people. Click here. and pass it around. Then ask yourself why we haven't risen up and thrown him and his puppet out of the White House.

The Democrats have had the power to literally pull the plug on this war for the past 15 months -- and they have refused to do so. What are we to do about that? Continue to sink into our despair? Or get creative? Real creative. I know there are many of you reading this who have the chutzpah and ingenuity to confront your local congressperson. Will you? For me?

Cheney spent Wednesday, the 5th anniversary of the war, not mourning the dead he killed, but fishing off the Sultan of Oman's royal yacht. So? Ask your favorite Republican what they think of that.

The Founding Fathers would never have uttered the presumptuous words, "God Bless America." That, to them, sounded like a command instead of a request, and one doesn't command God, even if they are America. In fact, they were worried God would punish America. During the Revolutionary War, George Washington feared that God would react unfavorably against his soldiers for the way they were behaving. John Adams wondered if God might punish America and cause it to lose the war, just to prove His point that America was not worthy. They and the others believed it would be arrogant on their part to assume that God would single out America for a blessing. What a long road we have traveled since then.

I see that Frontline on PBS this week has a documentary called "Bush's War." That's what I've been calling it for a long time. It's not the "Iraq War." Iraq did nothing. Iraq didn't plan 9/11. It didn't have weapons of mass destruction. It DID have movie theaters and bars and women wearing what they wanted and a significant Christian population and one of the few Arab capitals with an open synagogue.

But that's all gone now. Show a movie and you'll be shot in the head. Over a hundred women have been randomly executed for not wearing a scarf. I'm happy, as a blessed American, that I had a hand in all this. I just paid my taxes, so that means I helped to pay for this freedom we've brought to Baghdad. So? Will God bless me?

God bless all of you in this Easter Week as we begin the 6th year of Bush's War.

God help America. Please.

* I subscribed to Michael Moore's mailing list. Hope the CIA doesn't find out.


Panahon na naman (Post-Valentine's Post)

Ilang sipi mula sa nobelang Love in the Time of Cholera
ni Gabriel Garcia Marquez.

Together they had overcome the daily incomprehension, the instantaneous hatred, the reciprocal nastiness, and fabulous flashes of glory in the conjugal conspiracy. It was time when they both loved each other best, without hurry or excess, when both were most conscious of and grateful for their incredible victories over adversity. Life would still present them with other moral trials, of course, but that no longer mattered: they were on the other shore.

To him she seemed so beautiful, so seductive, so different from ordinary people, that he could not understand why no one was as disturbed as he by the clicking of her heels on the paving stones, why no one else's heart was wild with the breeze stirred by the sighs of her veils, why everyone did not go mad with the movements of her braid, the flight of her hands, the gold of her laughter. He had not missed a single one of her gestures, not one of the indications of her character, but he did not dare approach her for fear of destroying the spell.

He allowed himself to be swayed by his conviction that human beings are not born once and for all on the day their mothers give birth to them, but that life obliges them over and over again to give birth to themselves.

He repeated until his dying day that there was no one with more common sense, no stonecutter more obstinate, no manager more lucid or dangerous, than a poet.

No, not rich. I am a poor man with money, which is not the same thing.
Uncle Leo XII

at ang panghimagas...

He is ugly and sad … but he is all love.
Fermina Daza


Janina San Miguel, I heart thee...

Interview Portion sa Beauty Pageant at Katawang Kapital*
ni Rolando Tolentino

Usap-usapan ang mga sagot ni Janina San Miguel sa question-and-answer portion ng nakaraang Binibining Pilipinas. Naka-upload ito sa You-tube at masakit itong panoorin. Heto ang transcript ng interview sa host Paolo Bediones:

Bediones: So you won two of the major awards, Best in Long Gown, Best
in Swimsuit. Do you feel any pressure right now?Contestant: No, I do not feel any pressure right now.
Bediones: All right, confident! Please choose a name of a judge. We have Miss Vivian Tan.Vivian Tan: What role did your family play with you as a candidate to Binibining Pilipinas?Contestant: Well, my family’s role for me is so important. Because der was d… deyr… dey was the one… who’s very… haha… Oh, I’m so sorry. Uhm My pamily… my family, oh my god.Bediones (off-mike): Pwede mag-Tagalog. Sige lang, sige lang.Contestant: Ok. I’m so sorry.Bediones (off-mike): Okay lang yan.Contestant: I’m so sorry…I… I told you that I’m so confident. Eto, uhm, wait. Hahahaha. Uhm… Sorry guys… because this was really my first pageant ever. Because I’m only 17-years old! And ahahaa… I.. I did not expect that I came from, I came from one of TAF Ten… Mhmm… Sooo…. But I said DUT my family is the most important persons in my life.
Thank you.

Nasa edad na ang bansa ng purong ideal ng katawan, wala nang usapin ng utak dahil “grace under pressure” naman talaga ang beauty contests. Kahit ano pang pagkakamali o kanipisan ng sagot, ang pagtatalon ng f at p, ang mahalaga ay confident na nakangiti pa rin ang batang contestant. Masyado nang mataas ang kahilingang beauty-and-brains sa isang bansang pinagdarahop ng pambansang pamahalaan ang pondo sa edukasyon, at winawaldas sa pangungurakot ang nalalabing pondo ng mamamayan. Mas malaking usapin kung karapat-dapat ba siyang manalong Bb. Pilipinas World, matapos nitong inaakalang karumaldumal na tugon sa interview portion. At sa mas malaliman, kung karapat-dapat ba itong maging ambassador of goodwill ng bansa?

Ang formulasyon ng dalawang isyu sa debate ay nagsasaalang-alang ng criteria ng paghuhusga at representasyon. Hindi naman liberal na demokratiko ang pagpili, nakabatay ito sa formulasyon ng angkop na representatibo sa mas malaking global na beauty pageant. Kaya nga ang nanalo ay may titulo ng kanilang magiging susunod na partisipasyon—Bb. Pilipinas Universe na sasali sa Miss Universe, Bb. Pilipinas World para sa Miss World, Bb. Pilipinas International para sa Miss International, at iba pa. Ang judges ay pumipili batay sa criteria for judging na iplinakda ng organizers ng Bb. Pilipinas. At ang organizers ay sumasapul naman sa higit pang tsansang manalo sa global na beauty pageants ng lokal na pambato.

Ang Bb. Pilipinas ay ang lokal na idioma ng bansa sa global na kumpetisyon. Tulad sa edukasyon, ang inihahandang graduates ay yaong hindi nakabatay sa pangangailangan ng lokal na industriya kundi ng global na negosyo. Kaya nga ang diskurso ng edukasyon, lalo na sa collegiate level sa negosyo, law at medisina ay sa ingles—mula textbook na ginagamit, kurikulum na ipinapatupad, diskusyon sa klase at ng exams na kinukuha ay nagpapalawig sa kultura ng pakikiramay na nakahiwalay sa lokal na saloobin at pakikitungo. Nakikiramay na lamang sa sariling pagnanais makaangat sa buhay.

Kontraktwalisasyon ang nagaganap sa Bb. Pilipinas. Kung ano ang demand sa global na market ng beauty pageants ay ganoon na rin ang isinasakatuparan. Wala nang mananalong punggok na Filipina, o masyado ring exotiko. Kailangan ay 5’8” at may Caucasian features kahit pa wala ang kaputian (whiteness). Samakatuwid, pangmodelo kahit hindi naman literal na nagmomodelo ng damit kundi ng metapisika ng kagandahan ng Bb. Pilipinas at Miss Universe, halimbawa.

Kaya ang mga nananalong Filipina sa lokal na kumpetisyon ay binibigyan ng crash-course sa bansang nakaperfekto na ng paglikha ng global na winners, ang Venezuela. Nire-redo ang national costume na nakabatay sa estetika ng Broadway kaysa sa anumang pambansang identidad, nirerepaso ang lakad at pakikitungo, at iba pa. Na kung dati ay breeding ang magbibigay nito, dahil historically naman, ang nananalo sa unang mga beauty contests, tulad ng Manila Carnival, ay galing sa alta-sosyedad na familia, at maging sa Marcos era na winners—Gloria Diaz at Aurora Pijuan ay galing sa muy bueno familia, ngayon ay hindi naman sa pumangit ang alta sosyedad kundi hindi na ito ang kalakaran para magkaroon pa ng dagdag na kapital.

Ang katawan ay may kapasidad mangapital. Kung dati ang paraan sa pangarap na pag-angat ay pagkuha ng pagpapari at medisina dahil natitiyak nitong bubuti ang buhay at nakakatulong pa sa kapwa; sumunod ay commerce dahil tiyak daw ang pagpasok ng pera kapag nagnegosyo; ngayon ay pag-aartista na. Kung may hitsura ang bata, lalo pa’t hindi pinalaki ng Milo at Promil, ay kasabay na pangangarapin ito ng pamilya at kapitbahay na mag-artista bilang lehitimo nang kapamaraanan na makaangat sa buhay.

Kaya hindi nawawalan ng panibagong Star Circle at Star Search, at pati Big Brother at iba pang reality TV ay nagiging aparato ng paghagilap ng bagong mukhang bebenta at maibebenta. Ang (matagumpay na) pag-aartista ang pinakamatayog sa pangarap. Kaya ang pagmomodelo, at pati itong beauty pageants, ay stepping stone lamang para maging artista. At sa babang lebel ng hierarkiyang ito, ang Japayuki at hostong entertainers sa niche market ng Japan, ang GROs at macho dancer na nakabase sa clubs, ang mga pokpok (sex worker) sa lansangan o nakatambay sa mall at plaza. Ang waiters, fastfood crew, hotel bell boys, SM cashier ay bahagi rin nitong entertainment service industry.

Kaya tama ang kanta ng Hagibis, lokal na bersyon ng Village People, na naging theme song ng matagumpay na sitcom noong 1990s, Palibhasa Lalake, “Katawan, katawan, katawan, ingatan ang inyong katawan.” Purong katawan, ingatan dahil pwede ngang pagkakitaan.
Hindi naman nag-a-apply sa call center si San Miguel. At kung mag-apply man ito, kasama ito sa 97 porsyento na babagsak. Kaya nga siya nag-beauty contestant ay dahil alam niya ang angkop na halaga at lugar ng kanyang katawan. Ang operative word ay “beauty” at kahit sabihin pang hindi ito skin-deep, ay ito pa rin ang pasaporte para sa realisasyon ng kanyang pangarap at ng kanyang henerasyon. Na sa kalakaran ng beauty contest, tanging mga graduate ng Unibersidad ng Pilipinas na sumasali at nananalo rito, ang nagdaragdag pa ng lehitimasyon sa papawala namang beauty-and-brains combo meal.

Ang kamulatan ni San Miguel ay kamulatang ipinatamo sa kanya sa pang-araw-araw. Ito naman ang bansa ng beauty contests. Mula sanggol, musmos, bata, teenager, bagong Misis, matandang babae, at maging para sa kalalakihan at bakla ay mayroong maaring salihan. Idinidiin ito sa telebisyon sa tanghali, model searches sa mall at plaza, fundraising sa fiesta, at Bb. Pilipinas sa Marso. At ito ang kamulatan sa katawan bilang purong ideal, walang organo, walang utak, purong posturing umaakibat sa modelo ng global na katawan.

Kontest ito—kumpetisyong nakabatay sa malinaw na pamantayan—na magpakaganito rin naman, ay hindi para sa lahat. Isa lang parati ang nahihirang na representatibo. At hindi naman ito opisyal na representasyon at representatibo ng bansa. Hindi pamahalaan ang pumili nito, kundi aparato ng estado. Umaalinsunod sa katawang itinatakda ng estado—katawang walang organo, walang utak, na ang tanging halaga ay gumaya sa ipinataw na modelo: mapa-call center agent ito na gumagaya sa twang ng native speaker, estudyanteng sistematikong pinagdarahop sa kamangmangan at kawalan ng pondo ng gobyerno at naniniwala pa ring makakaahon ito sa kanyang lagay sa malapit na hinaharap, o OCW na nagsasakripisyo ng katawan para sa ikabubuti ng iba.

Hindi nga ba’t ang katawan ng beauty contestant at winner, si San Miguel, ay inakda ni Gloria Arroyo ayon sa kanyang panuntunan—ideal na kagandahang pisikal, nanggagaya, exportable, at kung gayon, purong ideal ng katawan, na tila hindi binahiran ng korapsyon bilang pagtatago sa sistematikong pangungurakot at pag-aaruga sa kanyang mafia. Tulad ng katawan ni Manny Pacquio, ito ay may halaga lamang sa estado hanggang sa nagtatagumpay nang higit pang seduksyon at atraksyon sa aktwal na kapital. At ito rin ang sumpa ng katawan ni Arroyo, na ang pagkatagal na pagkapit sa bangkaroteng panungkulan at ang politikal na turmoil mula rito ay tatagos na sa ekonomiya, at ang kanyang sinasambit na statistika ng pag-angat ay isa-isa nang pinapaputok, tulad ng kumpiyansa ng negosyong nag-aakalang business-as-usual pa rin.

Retorikal ang pagtatapos sa interview portion sa beauty pageant. Ihuhudyat ng contestant na tapos na siya sa kanyang mumbo-jumbo sa katagang, “I thank you.” Na tunay namang rekognisyon sa hurado at estadong magbibigay-halaga at lehitimasyon sa kanyang katawan. Na kahit i-boo pa siya ng audience, na mayroong ibang manok na pambato, ay kinilala pa ring bilang ehemplo ng purong ideal na katawan kayang makapanghimok ng iba pang kapital at panlipunang lehitimasyon. Na kaya masakit itong panoorin ay dahil nasasapol nito ang ating kolektibong nararamdaman: ganito na ang kinahinatnan ng sistematikong pagkakait ng pambansang pondo at atensyon kahit pa ang fokus ay pagtatago ng sistematikong paggaganansya sa edukasyong mahalaga rito.

Sa politika, ito ang pinakamatagal na interregnum nang pagpapatalsik kay Arroyo. Hindi pa namamatay ang luma, hindi pa rin ipinapanganak ang bago. Kaya kailangan ng pagiging komadrona ng kasaysayan, hanggang tayo na ang pasigaw na magsabi kay Arroyo, “We thank you” para tapusin na ang dapat tapusin, at iwan na ang mabigat na entabladong pinapapasan sa mamamayan.

*Mula sa blog ni Rolando Tolentino

Belated Happy Birthday

Ayon kay Einstein,

Paano ba yan? Genius na ang nagsabi...


Sa Mata Ni Ekang, Isang Pamumuwing*

Pamilya raw ang batayang yunit ng lipunan. Kaya naman mahalaga ang bawat bahagi nito. Ang nanay daw ang ilaw ng tahanan, ang tatay naman ang haligi nito. Samakatuwid, ang pamilya ang isa sa pangunahing institusyong humuhubog sa pagkatao ng isang bata (na siya rin namang dadalhin niya pagtanda.) Ngunit, paano kung ang mismong hulmahan ay dysfunctional?

Palagay ko’y ito ang tinalunton ng “Sa Mata Ni Ekang,” kwento ng tatlong taong gulang na batang maaga pa lamang ay namumulat na sa latotohanan ng kanyang munting mundo. Ang ama ni Ekang, traysikel drayber sa umaga, holdaper sa gabi. Ang kanyang ina, pusher at runner ng droga. Ang lola niyang grumadweyt na sa pagpuputa, ngayo’y bugaw na. Nandiyan rin ang kanyang tiyuhin na wala inatupag kundi mga sariling bisyo. Ito ang pangunahing tauhan (bida?) sa kwento ng buhay ni Ekang.

Sa totoo lang luma na ang kwento. Mahirap ang pamilya ni Ekang. Kaya napilitang mangholdap ang ama. Kaya nagtutulak ang ina. Kaya namumugaw ang lola. Malaki na ang lamat ng moralidad sa pamilya. Kataka-taka pa bang nagrebelde si tiyo? Kaya hindi na rin nakakagulat na sa murang edad na tatlong taong gulang, si Ekang ay kasing lutong na ng tsitsaron kung magmura. Normal na rin sa kanya ang ilang bagay na hindi itinuturing normal. Ilan nga bang bata ang nagagambala ang pagkakahimbing dahil sa malakas na pagkatok ng mga taong gigil na gigil magparaos at humiwalay sa mundo?

Sa biglang sulyap, simple lang ang istorya – holdaper ang ama, pusher/runner ang ina. Lahukan pa ng lolang bugaw at tiyuhing nagrerebelde. Kung ito’y isang pelikula, marahil nanalo na nga ito ng gantimpala. Ika nga, istorya pa lamang, patay na sila.

Anupa’t andito na ang sinasabing pinakamabentang sangkap ng isang produkto ng mass media – ang human drama. Hindi na rin siguro dapat ikagulat na akusahan ang may likha ng sensationalism. Bakit pa nga ba natin kailangang ipaalala ang sitwasyon ng mga katulad ni Ekang? Kailangan pa bang kantiin ang mga natutulog nang multo? Sa palagay ng grupo ni Kara David, oo. Sumasang-ayon naman ang ilang orginasisying naggagawad ng parangal para sa kategoryang dokumnetaryo.

Ngunit hindi natatapos sa karangalang nakamit ang istoryang bitbit-bitbit ng “Sa Mata ni Ekang.” Ang produkto ay nagiging tekstong pupuwing sa ating mga matang nakabukas pero di nakakakita (o pili ang nakikita). Luma na pero andiyan pa rin. At tinawid nga ng tekstong likha nina Kara David at Lloyd Navera ang “kategorya” ng isang simpleng “dokumentaryo” tungo sa pagiging diskurso.

Ito ang diskurso ng pamilya/tahanan – umaandap-andap na ang bumbilya at anumang oras ay maaring bumgay ang haligi. Ito ang diskurso ng moralidad at ng lipunang ipinamamayani ito, kasabay ng pagtanggal sa isang indibidwal ng kakayahang panghawakan ito. At ang pinakasimpleng diskurso, ang diskurso sa pagitan ni Ekang, nilalang na nasadlak sa posisyong hindi niya nilikha (o naiintindihan man lang) at kanyang pamilya, lipunan, mundo. Sa huli, pare-pareho tayo ng tanong. Ano nga ba ang kahihinatnan ni Ekang? Madaling sagutin, mahirap arukin.

Marahil, ambisyosong pangarapin na mula sa isang dokumentaryong tulad ng “Sa Mata ni Ekang,” na masasabing simple at ordinaryo ang paksa, magmumula ang panlipunang pagbabago. Hindi rin naman ata ganun karami ang naka(ka)panood nito. Pero kailangang magsimula, maliit ma’y simulain pa rin. At sa pagkakatanda ko, walang malaking nakakapuwing.

* Salamat kay BF sa binigay niyang atensyon sa gawang ito. Sana makalusot.

I am the eggman, they are the eggmen. I am the Walrus. kukukuchu! (Buryong series)

You are Magneto

Lex Luthor
Mr. Freeze
Dr. Doom
The Joker
Dark Phoenix
Poison Ivy
Green Goblin
You fear the persecution of those that are different or underprivileged so much that you are willing to fight and hurt others for your cause.

Click here to take the "Which Super Villain am I?" quiz...


Talaga?! (parte ng buryong series)

142,976 People

People who died on September 21, 1985

  • Gu Long, Taiwanese writer of wuxia novels

Natural disasters in 1985

  • Armero tragedy
  • Hurricane Gloria
  • 1985 Mendoza earthquake
  • 1985 Mexico City earthquake
  • Nevado del Ruiz
  • Tropical Storm Isabel (1985)
  • United States-Canadian Outbreak

People who died on September 21

  • 2007 - Rex Humbard, American television evangelist
  • 2007 - Alice Ghostley, American actress
  • 2007 - Hallgeir Brenden, Norwegian Olympic gold medalist
  • 2006 - Boz Burrell, English rock musician
  • 2004 - Bob Mason, British actor
  • 2004 - Barry Noble Wakeman, American naturalist and educator
  • 2002 - Robert L. Forward, American physicist and writer
  • 2000 - Bryan Smith, Man who ran over Stephen King
  • 1998 - Florence Griffith Joyner, American athlete
  • 1995 - Rudy Perpich, American politician
  • 1988 - Glenn Robert Davis, member of United States Congress
  • 1987 - Jaco Pastorius, American bassist
  • 1982 - Hovhannes Bagramyan, Soviet general
  • 1979 - Philippine Democracy
  • 1976 - Orlando Letelier, Chilean diplomat
  • 1974 - Jacqueline Susann, American novelist
  • 1974 - Walter Brennan, American actor
  • 1972 - Henry de Montherlant, French writer
  • 1971 - Bernardo Houssay, Argentine physiologist, Nobel Prize laureate
  • 1966 - Paul Reynaud, French politician
  • 1963 - Paulino Masip, Spanish playwright
  • 1957 - King Haakon VII of Norway
  • 1954 - Kokichi Mikimoto, Japanese inventor
  • 1939 - Armand Călinescu Romanian prime-minister (assassinated)
  • 1938 - Ivana Brlic-Mazuranic Croatian writer
  • 1926 - Leon Charles Thevenin, French telegraph engineer
  • 1906 - Samuel Arnold, Lincoln conspirator
  • 1904 - Chief Joseph, Nez Perce leader
  • 1897 - Wilhelm Wattenbach, German historian
  • 1874 - Jean-Baptiste Élie de Beaumont, French geologist
  • 1860 - Arthur Schopenhauer, German philosopher
  • 1832 - Sir Walter Scott, Scottish writer
  • 1798 - George Read, American lawyer and signer of the Declaration of Independence
  • 1796 - François Séverin Marceau-Desgraviers, French general
  • 1748 - John Balguy, English philosopher
  • 1743 - Jai Singh II, King of Amber-Juiper
  • 1719 - Johann Heinrich Acker, German writer
  • 1626 - François de Bonne, duc de Lesdiguières, Constable of France
  • 1586 - Antoine Perrenot de Granvelle, French church leader
  • 1576 - Gerolamo Cardano, Italian mathematician
  • 1558 - Charles V, Holy Roman Emperor
  • 1542 - Juan Boscán Almogáver, Spanish poet
  • 1397 - Richard FitzAlan, 11th Earl of Arundel, English military leader (executed)
  • 1327 - King Edward II of England
  • 1217 - Lembitu of Lehola, Estonian soldier
  • 454 - Aëtius, Roman general (bc. 396)
  • 19 BC - Virgil, Roman poet (b. 70 BC)


Ang Hirap Naman Maging Mayaman...

Ito ang isa sa pinakamagandang halimbawa ng malaking agwat sa teoretikal at aktwal.

Alexander Martin Remollino

Sampung pisong pisbol ang kainin sa almusal.
Sampung pisong pisbol ang kainin sa tanghalian.
Sampung pisong pisbol ang kainin sa hapunan.
Sa halagang P30, lubos nang matutugunan
ang pangangailangang kumain
nang tatlong beses sa isang araw.

Para naman sa "panulak,"
mabibili sa sampung piso
ang pinakamaliit na bote ng mineral water.
Matutong magtipid at kakasya sa maghapon
ang 350 ml na tubig.

'Yang matitirang P1.25 ay huwag balewalain:
kapag nagmarakulyo ang sikmura
at ayaw kang patulugin pagdating ng gabi --
lamang-tiyan din 'yan,
lamang-tiyan din 'yan.



Lumayaat Magpalaya...
"If there's a book you really want to read, but it hasn't been written yet, then you must write it."
- Toni Morrison

* para kay MDNSR, babae, aking pinakamamahal na anti-tesis.



Kung si Eman Lacaba may People's Warrior, ako may People's Mario.


Mukhang napapapadalas ang pagkaburyong ko...


Better Late Than Later...

Kahapon pala ang anibersaryo ng kauna-unahang pagtugtog ng Led Zeppelin ng pamosong "Stairway to Heaven." Anila, tungkol daw ito sa isang babaeng nagkamal ng limpak-limpak na salapi. Sa kanta, natuklasan ng babae na hindi naman pala nadadala sa langit ang pera. Hindi alam ng nakararami na ang babaeng tinutukoy sa kanta ay si...

EDSA (to the nth power (?))


by Sarah Raymundo

MASS DEMONSTRATIONS, in John Berger's realist assessment, are rehearsals for the 'event' wherein people would unleash concrete acts of political maturity rarely imagined in classrooms and in mass media. These acts, combined with the ripeness of a given condition and the push of favorable circumstances, are the kind that would alter the existing coordinates of the system.

Historically, the ouster of a tyrant is both a stake and a product in humanity's struggle for social justice. The actual ouster is a momentary success in a series of organized resistance and is not the latter's ultimate goal.

In spite of a successful ouster, there is no escaping the 'morning after.'

After the first People Power, the Filipinos counted on the promise of “democratic space” under the Aquino regime. But political power remained in the hands of the new oligarchy. Mang Pandoy, the embodiment of the poor and the dispossessed, hoped for a better life after the dark years of Marcos' Martial Law. He, however, along with the broad Filipino masses, continued to wallow in the quagmire of poverty.

In the recent past, GMA was another 'morning after.' But it was not a hopeful morning for many of us then. Yet the point was to demonstrate that the Filipino people will never tolerate a corrupt president in the person of Erap Estrada. And so forming the broadest alliance against the narrowest target was in fact a fulfillment of a tactical task necessary to complete the counter-hegemonic sequence that would properly fill in the empty universal of the 'new order.'

The distinction between the 'morning after' and the 'new order' stems from the relationship between tactical and strategic goals. Thus, getting rid of the 'morning after 'that has predictably morphed into the nightmare that is Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo is a tactical goal that would teach us a valuable lesson or two in the strategic goal of ushering in a 'new order.'

The recent inter-faith mobilization definitely went beyond its target number of participants. Yet quantitative indicators are by no means the only measure of a mobilization’s success.

The organizers, recently tagged as “a dangerous alliance” of “misguided idealists” and “politically motivated personalities, hypocrites to the bone” (Leondro R. Lojo, Young Blood, PDI 1 March) did not seek to unseat GMA right then and there as indicated by the general tone of the script and the particular content of the speeches.

The mobilization was an inter-faith gathering that sought to bring together a force that stakes a claim on civilian supremacy, accountability and truth. By its mere number, this force has shown its potency. But it is the joyful and expectant faces of the youth, who comprised the largest delegation not only in yesterday's rally but in the history of making History that grants a decisive factor to this force.

Cynics are quick to suggest that the broad anti-Arroyo formation is a “dangerous alliance.” But dangerous to whom? Definitely, to the interest of an isolated group of corrupt and tyrannical elite embodied by the Arroyo administration at the moment. It is Macapagal-Arroyo herself who has smashed all illusions of good governance thereby exposing the impossibility of the same within the existing system of oligarchy.

That this “dangerous alliance” can still muster a formidable degree of moral righteousness despite Arroyo's chaotic maneuvers is reason enough to believe that the two previous Edsas were not a waste of time and resources. A retroactive logic may even suggest that People Power I and II were also rehearsals for the ouster of the worst president this Republic has ever had.

That there is currently a polysemy of voices among the youth as the Philippine Daily Inquirer tangentially proffers by featuring Mr. Lojo's piece in its Young Blood segment is less a proof of a polysemic situation than a yet another damning evidence of how media managers function as high priests of obfuscation amidst the people's clamor for truth.

It is not safe to discount Macapagal-Arroyo’s fast-diminishing supporters for it is useless to deny contradictions at this point. But when a dimension of that contradiction involves the voice of thousands of young people taking citizenship to the streets versus a Young Blood piece which sounded more like the angry howling of a veteran lapdog, it is easy to see how the illogic of an old and dying system corrupts the minds of some young people.

But neither Gloria's absurd allusions to international condemnation in the event of another People Power and her threats of an impending economic slump could dampen the democratic spirit of the Filipinos.

The administration currently discredits the broad anti-Arroyo alliance since its largest rally by far was graced by “hypocritical politicians.” Apparently, its new tactic is to magnify the contradictions within the broad united front against Macapagal-Arroyo and to evade the burning issues of corruption, massive fraud and human rights violations.

What happens when a political turncoat or an ousted president turns up in a rally that seeks to remove another corrupt president from office? This situation may cause momentary conflict within the ranks. But clearly, this conflict indicates that the people have a strong sense of history. The people are not about to exonerate transgressors who have yet to pay for their crimes. Unfortunately, for Gloria, the Filipinos have become merciless to criminals like her.

Contradicting claims notwithstanding, truth does not have more than one version. Truth can be cold and stiff because it is always one-sided. That is why it can hurt even the most powerful of liars. That is why it must be spoken to power.

On to the next rehearsal, therefore!

*Sarah Raymundo is a professor of Sociology in the University of the Philippines Diliman.



Imbitado ang lahat sa...


Academic Union Office, 1st Floor Vinzons
Marso 12 (Miyerkules)
1-5 n.h.

The Other University of the Philippines, tracing the history of nationalist dissent on campus
Prof. Elmer Ordonez
College of Arts and Letters (CAL)
UP Diliman

The Political Economy of Gross Domestic Product Accounting and the Philippine Case
Prof. Edberto M. Villegas
Department of Social Sciences (DSS)
UP Manila

Babae, Makibaka: Maikling Personal na Salaysay sa Pagkamulat at Pakikibaka Bago at sa Panahon ng Batas Militar
Prof. Judy Taguiwalo
College of Social Work and Community Development (CSWCD)
UP Diliman

Pagteteorya, Pagsasapraktika, Pakikibaka..

Abre los Ojos. Progressive change cannot be brought with closed eyes

UP Naming Mahal

This version was composed by Prof Gary Granada for the musical, "Lean." You can download the audio file here.

UP naming mahal

Pamantasan ng bayan
Tinig ng masa

Ang siyang lagi nang pakikinggan

Malayong lupain

Di kailangang marating
Dito maglilingkod sa bayan natin
Dito maglilingkod sa bayan natin

Silangang mapula

Sagisag magpakailanman
Ating ipaglaban

Laya ng diwa’t kaisipan

Humayo’t itanghal
Giting, tapang ang dangal
Mabuhay ang lingkod ng taongbayan
Mabuhay ang lingkod ng taongbayan

Silangang mapula

Sagisag magpakailanman
Ating ipaglaban

Laya ng diwa’t kaisipan

Malayong lupain

Di kailangang marating
Dito maglilingkod sa bayan natin
Dito maglilingkod sa bayan natin


Madali lang talaga akong maburyong...

There are 19 letters in your name.
Those 19 letters total to 90
There are 8 vowels and 11 consonants in your name.

Your number is: 9

The characteristics of #9 are: Humanitarian, giving nature, selflessness, obligations, creative expression. (naks)

The expression or destiny for #9:
The expression that you exhibit is represented bythe number 9. Your talents center in humanistic interests and approaches. You like to help others as you were intended to be the 'big brother or big sister' type. You operate best when you follow your feelings and sense of compassion, and allow yourself to be sensitive to the needs of others. You work well with people, and have the potential to inspire. This suggests that you could successfully teach or counsel. Creative ability, imagination and artistic talent (often latent) of the highest order are present in this expression. It's possible that you're not using or developing all of these capabilities at this time. Some of your talents may have been used at an earlier time in your life, and some may still be latent. Be aware of your capabilities, so that you can make use of them at appropriate times.

If you are able to achieve the potential of your natural expression in this life, you are capable of much human understanding and have a lot to give to others. Your personal ambitions are likely to be maintained in a very positive perspective, never losing sight of an interest in people, and a sympathetic, tolerant, broad-minded and compassionate point of view. You are quite idealistic, and disappointed at the lack of perfection in the world. You have a strong awareness of your own feeling as well as those of others. Friendships, affection, and love are extremely important.

Undeveloped or ignored, the negative side of the 9 expression can be very selfish and self-centered. If you do not actively involve yourself with work that benefits others, you may tend to express just the opposite characteristics. It is your role to be very involved with other people and their needs, but it may be difficult for you achieve this role. Aloofness, lack of involvement, and a lack of sensitivity mark the low road of this expression.

Your Soul Urge number is: 3

A Soul Urge number of 3 means:
With the Soul Urge number 3 your desire in life is personal expression, and generally enjoying life to its fullest. You want to participate in an active social life and enjoy a large circle of friends. You want to be in the limelight, expressing your artistic or intellectual talents. Word skills may be your thing; speaking, writing, acting, singing. In a positive sense, the 3 energy is friendly, outgoing and always very social.

You have a decidedly upbeat attitude that is rarely discouraged; a good mental and emotional balance.

The 3 Soul Urge gives intuitive insight, thus, very high creative and inspirational tendencies. The truly outstanding trait shown by the 3 Soul Urge is that of self-expression, regardless of the field of endeavor.

On the negative side, you may at times become too easygoing and too optimistic, tending to scatter forces and accomplish very little. Often, the excessive 3 energy produces non-stop talkers. Everyone has faults, but the 3 soul urge doesn't appreciate having these pointed out.

Your Inner Dream number is: 6

An Inner Dream number of 6 means:
You dream of guiding and fostering the perfect family in the perfect home. You crave the devotion from offspring and a loving spouse. You picture yourself in the center of a successful domestic unit.

Ikaw, buryong na buryong ka na rin ba?

Free Seminar: I-Witness

posted by Howie Severino in his blog, Sidetrip.


(it's free but competitive)

Howie Severino, Jay Taruc,
Sandra Aguinaldo, and Kara David
with their team members
discuss the techniques of
award-winning documentaries
at the

(scheduled for April 5 in Quezon City)

To apply, submit your resume
and a 400-800 word essay in
English or Filipino
about your
favorite I-Witness episode
by email to

or snail mail to –

I-Witness, GMA Network Center
Diliman, Quezon City

or drop your resume and essay off at the
I-Witness DVD signing event on March 2 at
Powerbooks Trinoma Mall North EDSA Quezon City.

A total of 80 participants will be chosen for this free seminar.

Application ends March 15.

nahatak ng sentro de grabedad