
because life balance is just too zen (and other random memory)

Halina explained the other day why the term, "work-life balance" contradict itself.

The construction ("work" and "life") imply that work is separate from life, wherein fact, it is (/should be) just a part of it. Seeing it as another category/concept (of the self) is tantamount to putting prime in to it.
Here's something from Chaplin's Modern Times.
ba-a-ah! ba-a-ah! ba-a-ah!

on another note...

I remember this incident with the crew of the 11 illegally detained punk (they were simply hitchhiking). It was may 1 and the clique decided to join the mobilization to popularize the cause of their brethren.

Having no directed knowledge of may 1 and the Labor Movement, they made the fatal mistake of making banners that read, "go anti-work."

I liked their other material though. One read: "work to fast? apply resistance." Its wit was coupled with an image of a monkey wrench being crushed under two gears.

No need for semiotics there.

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